Monday, August 20, 2018

Assembled Glitches - Volume 1

Assembled Glitches is my personal collection of
glitches from games that couldn’t handle getting their own solo video. Whether
it be that I had beaten the game and not much happen or I needed the free space
on my hard drive, I decided that instead of ridding them I could mash them into
one mega collection as an alternative.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Well, That Was Fun! - Battlefield 1 Glitches and Funny Moments

Battlefield 1 was quite fun, and I had some great kills and several odd glitches while playing it. Its clear from some of the clips within that I've head onto alot of the clips for quite some time, I just never felt like I had enough to make a full video but now after cleaning up some Hard Drive space, I gotta give what I have...

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Random Moments In : Resident Evil 6

RE6 had potential but sadly the devs went quite wild on their idea of where to take the franchise. I didn't get any great footage to make a normal video length but figure I might as well upload what I had since I need to clear out some hard drive space.