Monday, November 25, 2013

Employment Soup.

What is this, but an update on my own personal work status?

 I’m currently still working as a dishwasher, and getting a tad nervous towards the big event for Thanksgiving Day. (400 people?!)  Anyh0w, I just wanted you to know that I still love it, but there are a few moments that come to mind as I think back over my six months I’ve been there so far.


Get asked to help peel potatoes, only to peel off thumb skin on third slice. (Not much, thankfully)


There’s a staff meeting to try new menu items, but due to my distain of anything that isn’t chicken strips or burgers, that’s the only thing I can tolerate with my bland taste buds, am forced to watch everyone slobber down and go “mmmm” then clean after them. (Since I’m the dishwasher and all, duh)


Everyone knows my name, even the guys who only come in to change the rugs once a week, yet I only remember my boss and the main chief’s name. (I’m sorry, but I’ve made too many attempts to remember numerous acquaintances, and thus I’ve just given up on even learning. It takes a good eight months to implant your name into my brain, unless I see it constantly in Facebook/twitter handles.)


An old man in speedos walked in the kitchen, and declared the bathroom doors were locked. As I began to turn, to search for some assistant, I witness a yellow trail go down his right leg. (What I should have done was to continue my turn and search; instead I abruptly stopped and stared at the puddle forming around him.)

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